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Torgersen Hall

620 Drillfield Drive
Torgersen Bridge
Torgersen Hall

Called the Advanced Communications and Information Technology Center in the building proposal and during construction, Torgersen includes 30 miles of fiber-optic cable and 75 miles of copper cable. It houses offices, laboratory space, classrooms, space for televised distance learning, and two auditoriums. The first floor includes an atrium with computer hookups that serves as an electronic study court. The building joins Newman Library via an enclosed bridge that spans Alumni Mall and provides reading-room space.

Visually, the electronic reading room that occupies the arch spanning Alumni Mall is the most stunning part of the building. Couches, the huge open space, and cherry wood covering the arched ceilings give it the feel of the old library reading room. The rest of the building mostly consists of offices and laboratory space designed specifically for the occupants.

Paul Ernest Torgersen

Paul Ernest Torgersen

Torgersen Hall honors Paul Ernest Torgersen, head of industrial engineering (1967-70), dean of engineering (1970-90), president of the Corporate Research Center (1990-94), and university president (1994-2000). Torgersen taught every semester during his years here. As dean, he led engineering to national prominence, and as president, he focused on rebuilding financial resources and technology leadership. He was named to the National Academy of Engineering; received two Sporn teaching excellence awards; and signed, as dean and president, 62,191 diplomas.

Building History

A virtual groundbreaking ceremony was held in 1996 and construction was completed in 2000 for Torgersen Hall.

Originally Built:
Map Grid:
Abbreviation / Number:
TORG / 174
37.22978, -80.41997