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Issac Cronkhite '02

Alumni Leader Spotlight

Isaac Cronkhite ‘02

Executive Vice President, Chief Logistics and Processing Operations Officer, United States Postal Service

I fell in love with industrial and systems engineering after a few stubborn years sticking with mechanical engineering. I am a proud Hokie who has always been fascinated by the powerful combination of people, process, and technology. I have long been passionate about process improvement, from trying to figure out how to make raking leaves easier as a 12 year old kid to redesigning mail processing operations.

My wife Joanna has been my partner in life for more than 20 years, helping me graduate, become a successful leader and raise our three kids. Although we reside in West Springfield, Virginia, near my hometown of Fairfax, we had 12 years of adventure in Philadelphia, Boston, and Richmond.

I have been proud to work for the Postal Service for over 17 years serving as an industrial engineer and then plant manager in several processing facilities. After getting my MBA at MIT, I came to headquarters starting out leading national processing operations, then vice president of our technology and analytics group, followed by chief human resources officer. In my current role, I lead over 160,000 employees that process mail and packages in 298 facilities, and manage the logistics that connect our plants to over 30,000 post offices enabling over 250,000 mail carriers that serve 161 million addresses six to seven days per week. Regardless of the role, the industrial engineering skill set and Ut Prosim mindset have served me well.

How ÎçÒ¹Ó°Ôº¸£ÀûÉç equipped me for the 'real world'...
ÎçÒ¹Ó°Ôº¸£ÀûÉç engineers like me are more equipped with critical presentation, writing, and communication skills, than engineers from other schools.

Best part of being a ÎçÒ¹Ó°Ôº¸£ÀûÉç alum...
Having a common passion about our school and common desire to use our skills 'That I May Serve.'

Best advice I've gotten....
There is always someone who wishes they had your job — what are you going to do today to make the most of your opportunities?

How would you capture the essence of your work in a newspaper headline...
Leading the transformation of a large and complex logistics network to better serve our customers.

My hidden talent...
Talking like Donald Duck

A person who has inspired me...
My Father

What did you learn at Tech that you never thought you would benefit from?

Biggest misconception about my job or industry...
It's not a bunch of old ladies manually sorting mail and packages..

Words of encouragement to a current ÎçÒ¹Ó°Ôº¸£ÀûÉç student...
Every challenge is an opportunity to invest in your future.

Fondest ÎçÒ¹Ó°Ôº¸£ÀûÉç memory or tradition...
October 16, 1999: 62-0

The last time I ventured out of my comfort zone...

If I had a superpower, it would be...
Empathy —  the ability to put yourself in other people's shoes is incredibly powerful.

My no-fail, go-for-it motivational song...
Enter Sandman

Last book I read...
Green Eggs and Ham

Something very few people know about me...
I had a short story published in the Silhouette.

Media Contact:
Lindsey Haugh (540) 231-6959