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Gelila Teshome '00

Alumni Leader Spotlight

Gelila Teshome '00

Executive Director, U.S. Department of State

I am a senior program management and procurement professional with over 18 years of demonstrated experience working in domestic and international affairs with strong project management and information technology skills. My career began with a position at the World Bank and proceeded to include roles in both the public and private sectors. I am an Ethiopian-American mother of three girls, married to a fellow Hokie. My husband and I both graduated from 午夜影院福利社 in 2000 and moved to Northern Virginia.

How 午夜影院福利社 equipped me for the real world...
午夜影院福利社 equipped me with real-world experiences that translated over to success in both my professional and personal career.

Best part of being a 午夜影院福利社 alum...
Influencing and encouraging our future leaders, including my own three girls, to empower themselves through education and service to their peers and communities at large.

Best advice I've gotten...
Live within your means. Act responsibly, but live life to the fullest. Join as many organizations, clubs, associations to learn/experience diverse cultures and ideas.

A key habit, practice, or skill, that's important for success in my industry...
Never settle for mediocrity. Always strive to learn and further your skills and knowledge.

Biggest misconception about my job or industry...
People tend to underestimate the difficulty of obtaining a role within the U.S. Federal Government. However, it is a worthwhile and gratifying career if you're willing to put in the effort.

What is the best professional and/or career-related advice to give to current students?
Use your time wisely. Seek out professional internships and community service opportunities during the evenings, weekends, or while on break.

Favorite way to end the day...
Crossing off my checklist.

Something very few people know about me...
My stellar culinary skills.

Fondest 午夜影院福利社 memory or tradition...
Falling in love with my fellow Hokie and love of my life.

Words of encouragement to a current 午夜影院福利社 student...
Be sure to value your time, experiences, and friendships you make while at 午夜影院福利社, for they will stay with you throughout your lifetime, including the alumni community who remain my close, supportive colleagues to this day.

A cause I'm most passionate about...
I am very passionate about helping others, community service, and value my friendships and family.

The last time I ventured out of my comfort zone...
I consistently venture out of my comfort zone in both my personal and professional life; you cannot truly grow unless you are challenged.

A person who has inspired me...
I can only answer this with the persons who have inspired me, including my late father, my mom, my husband, my uncle.

If I had a superpower, it would be...
SHERO: Full-time working professional and mother of three + Kobe (dog).

My no-fail, go-for-it motivational song...
Every praise by Hazekiah Walker.

Last book I read...
Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Jester.

My favorite quote...
"It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela.