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Political Science

The major explores government, policy, and politics in the U.S. and around the world. Students may specialize their curriculum by selecting from degree options in legal studies, national security, and political theory. The legal studies option focuses on U.S. and international law as well as the roles of lawyers and judges in society. The national security option examines current and future threats to individual, national, and global security. The political theory option considers difficult questions of law, justice, freedom, and equality through the study of ancient to contemporary political philosophy.

Career Options

  • Policy Analyst聽
  • 础迟迟辞谤苍别测听
  • 罢别补肠丑别谤/笔谤辞蹿别蝉蝉辞谤听
  • Policy Staff Adviser聽
  • Research Analyst聽
  • Governmental or NonGovernmental Organization Staffer at Local, State, National, Regional, and/or International Levels聽
  • Intelligence Analyst聽
  • 顿颈辫濒辞尘补迟听
  • Military Officer聽
  • Journalist/Political Correspondent聽
  • 颁辞苍蝉耻濒迟补苍迟听
  • Civil Servant聽
  • Campaign Staffer聽
  • 础诲惫辞肠补迟别/础肠迟颈惫颈蝉迟/翱谤驳补苍颈锄别谤听
  • 尝辞产产测颈蝉迟听
  • Governmental Relations Staffer

Interesting Fact: Students in the Hokies on the Hill program earn 12 credits while working on Capitol Hill!

