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Christopher Newport University – ҹӰԺ Collaborative Partnership

Master of Engineering (MEng) in Computer Engineering (CPE)

The ҹӰԺ College of Engineering is partnering with Christopher Newport University to help position students for mid-level and advanced positions in industries related to computing technology. By establishing an accelerated pathway of foundational courses at partner universities, currently enrolled students can be prepared for early admission to ҹӰԺ’s MEng degree in computer engineering as early as spring of their junior year.  Once accepted these students during their fourth year can begin taking up to 12 credits from an approved set of courses that can be applied beyond the 120 required credit hours required for a Christopher Newport University undergraduate degree towards their MEng degree (Christopher Newport University course level approved: 4XX (max. 6 credits) & 5XX from approved course list).

By outlining a clear pathway and course equivalencies, both the engineering and liberal arts student are able to participate in Virginia’s Tech Talent Pipeline. Many students will find that they can complete their MEng degree with just one extra year.

How to Apply

Third-year Christopher Newport University students can apply to the MEng in computer engineering in their second semester. They can also apply for a fee waiver and are not required to submit GRE scores.

  • Students must complete one of the approved pathways below:


Pathway for CNU undergraduate computer engineering majors for admission to the master of engineering program in computer engineering (CPE).

Christopher Newport Univeristy CPE undergraduate majors naturally meet most of the basic course requirements to apply for the CNU/VT Collaborative UG/G CPE MEng and should apply by the second semester of their junior year.  Christopher Newport University CPE undergraduate majors will only need to successfully complete one additional undergraduate course before being admitted to the CNU/VT Collaborative UG/G CPE MEng degree program.

Required Additional Undergraduate Courses:
CNU Course VT Equivalent
MATH 250
Multivariable Calculus
MATH 2204
Introduction to Multivariable Calculus

Pathway for Christopher Newport University undergraduate electrical engineering majors for admission to the MEng in computer engineering

Christopher Newport University electrical engineering undergraduate majors naturally meet most of the basic course requirements to apply for the CNU/VT Collaborative UG/G CPE MEng and should apply by the second semester of their junior year. Christopher Newport University electrical engineering undergraduate majors will only need to successfully complete two additional undergraduate courses before being admitted to the CNU/VT Collaborative UG/G CPE MEng degree program.

Required Undergraduate Courses
CNU Course VT Equivalent
ENGR 213
Discrete Structures for Computer Applications
MATH 2534
Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
MATH 250
Multivariable Calculus
MATH 2204
Introduction to Multivariable Calculus

Pathway for Christopher Newport University undergraduate computer science majors for admission to the MEng in computer engineering

Christopher Newport University computer science undergraduate majors naturally meet many of the basic course requirements to apply for the CNU/VT Collaborative UG/G CPE MEng and should apply by the second semester of their junior year.  Christopher Newport University computer science undergraduate majors will need to successfully complete two additional undergraduate courses before being admitted to the CNU/VT Collaborative UG/G CPE MEng degree program.

Required Additional Undergraduate Courses
CNU Course VT Equivalent
MATH 250
Multivariable Calculus
MATH 2204
Introduction to Multivariable Calculus
MATH 320
Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 2214
Introduction to Differential Equations

As soon as you submit your application please read and do the following:

You should immediately complete and submit the Collaborative UG/G Degree and Course Designation Form. You will indicate on this form the courses that you intend to take during the Collaborative UG/G period. This form will be reviewed and signed by the ҹӰԺ computer science and applications department graduate program director and an appropriate authority at Christopher Newport University. The signed Collaborative UG/G Status and Course Designation form will be sent to the ҹӰԺ Graduate School for processing. This completed form and the computer engineering department admission recommendation with review from an appropriate authority at Christopher Newport University are required before an admission decision can be finalized by the ҹӰԺ Graduate School.

Once accepted, the student should take up to 12 credit hours of graduate coursework during the last academic year (senior status equivalent) and earn a “B” from the following list of eligible courses for transfer to the MEng degree program in computer engineering. Note that a maximum of 6 credit hours can be taken at the 4xx level. The ҹӰԺ approved courses are noted below.

CNU Course VT Equivalent
Any CPSC and CPEN 4xx courses from the list of professional electives of the undergraduate computer engineering degree, except for CPSC 440 CS4XXX
CPSC 501
Software System Design & Implementation
Software Engineering
CPSC 502
Communications I
Network Architecture and Protocols I
CPSC 510
Artificial Intelligence I
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CPSC 521
Computer Architecture
Computer Architecture
CPSC 525
Object Oriented Programming & Design
Object-Oriented Programming with Java
CPSC 550
Distributed Operating Systems
Operating Systems
CPSC 560
Introduction to Compilers
Translator Design and Construction
PCSE 572
Introduction to Robotics

For questions or more information regarding the ҹӰԺ MEng degree program, contact ҹӰԺ computer engineering admissions. For questions or more information regarding what courses to take at Christopher Newport University to be prepared for admission into the ҹӰԺ MEng degree program, please contact the Christopher Newport PCSE Graduate Program Director.

To learn more about the MEng in computer engineering program, click here.