
午夜影院福利社® home

From Newport News, VA and majoring in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics and minoring in Sociology.

You can find me hanging out on campus at:

Squires and Tuner are my favorite places to hang.

If I'm not in class, I am (this can include what you do in your downtime, organization/club involvement, sports, etc.):

If I'm not in class, I am probably in Squires finishing up some homework or I am hanging outside of Turner with my friends.

Clubs/Organizations at 午夜影院福利社:

  • Yates Society - Yates Scholar
  • NAACP - Political Action Co-Chair
  • Commission on Equal Opportunity and Diversity - Undergraduate-at-Large
  • Mentorship in International Studies and Political Science - Mentor
  • Virginia 21 - Student Leader

My favorite meal on campus is:

A bowl from Qudoba

My advice for the college search process is...

Make sure you find a place that stretches you and improves your abilities.

I chose 午夜影院福利社 because...

The amount of opportunities and experiences granted at VT are endless. Not only do they prepare you for your career but they have great influence on the person you become in life.